Relearning to Walk- Jesus is Alive

Come with me to the carpeted hallway of my parents’ house, 13 years ago. It’s honestly amazing that I can’t remember if I was wearing my pink eye patch or whether I’d already graduated to “prism” glasses (because I had felt so embarrassed for wearing an eye patch and having a crossed eye). Though there…

Gentle and Joy Experiment- Join Me!!

Where do you see light? Could be sprinkles of light or an outpouring of metaphorical sunshine and delight. I’m fully aware that depending on all sorts of things, it can be easier or harder for us to see light alongside the darkness.  So my new idea is this!: I’m gonna post where I see light…

Way to Take Care of Yourself!

I exclaimed to my husband one night, “Way to take care of yourself!” And, though I was hoping he would laugh a little, I was also genuinely joyful in my praise of his effort to take care of himself. (For those of you who know me well, you can probably envision my wide-open eyes, outstretched…

How To Evaluate Doing “More” This Holiday Season

I was flipping through one of my past journals and noticed an entry reflecting on my accident and all the ways I’d been changed because of it: I was journalling that before my traumatic brain injury etc, I could do a lot more than I could do now [the date that I wrote this entry]….

More Than Enough

In my recovery and post-recovery from traumatic brain injury, there’ve been numerous times when I’ve believed the lie that I’m less than. In my recovery, this feeling was mostly related to the mental and physical limitations I was experiencing. And in my post-recovery, this feeling has been related to some residual accident limitations but mostly…


Could you hold onto the truth that… you are beloved, in this very moment. There are of course many reasons why we might not think this truth includes us– perhaps our thoughts or experiences or conversations with other people have given us a different message*. That being said, I believe with my being that our…

Five Steps to Believe Truth About Self

We weren’t made to believe we are inadequate or unworthy or abandoned or powerless (or any of the other lies that our society or past experiences have wrongly made us somehow believe about ourselves).  So, let’s intentionally work towards inviting strong, beautiful truths about us into our beings! Well, that’s my deep hope! Wherever we…

Invite Jesus into Doubt, Limited Capacity and Hopelessness

Today, August 10th, when I remember my trauma and healing story— and the amazing possibilities and hope that can come from seemingly hopeless situations– I’d like to share with you a sermon I preached earlier this summer on similar themes. While most of you know that I am a Marriage and Family therapist, some of…

Identify What Can Wait

As I’m writing this, I’m looking at toys strewn across my living room floor as well as a laundry basket overflowing with clean clothes. This mess … can wait. (And for that matter, whatever else might be vying for my attention… can wait.) Those things—while in some moments, take priority— in this moment, they don’t….

Resiliency Pause

A Resiliency Pause is when you … pause, in order to build your capacity for resiliency. 💓 Bringing certain thoughts to mind correspond with certain sensations of well-being in your body, which amazingly enough can directly help support our bodies, minds, and spirits. So I’d like to teach it to you right now: You ask…