Resiliency Pause

A Resiliency Pause is when you … pause, in order to build your capacity for resiliency. 💓 Bringing certain thoughts to mind correspond with certain sensations of well-being in your body, which amazingly enough can directly help support our bodies, minds, and spirits. So I’d like to teach it to you right now: You ask…

Resilient Zone During the Holidays (and After)

Our Resilient Zone is our “ok” zone– our place where we’re in control of our emotions and our emotions aren’t in control of us. In other words, we are calm, alert, and engaged (ie. regulated) and we can function optimally. Other terms to describe this place include the Window of Tolerance and the Optimum Zone…

Ask yourself this question, and help reduce stress

What is one thing you can do today to nourish yourself? Maybe… go on a walk? Create a routine for today? Pause before reacting to the person/people you live with? Put a limit on how much news you watch/read? Pray (while washing dishes or when you notice you’re worried)? Do only what you absolutely need…


“Hey! Do you need to use a Q-tip?” “Excuse me! Well, hmm… what do you mean?” “You know, Q-T-I-P….Quit. Taking. It. Personally.” I have discovered that it is really helpful when I don’t take things personally, hahah. It is healthy. Everyday occurrences where I could practice using a Q-TIP: when my baby is crying: I’m…